Peoples Flowers

Peoples Flowers

Posted by peoplesflowers on September 21, 2020 | Last Updated: September 22, 2020 Flowers

8 Excellent Beginner Plants

There’s no better way to bring nature into your household than with a potted plant. There are numerous health benefits to having plants in your home and they are beautiful decor in every type of space. If you’re afraid of the commitment involved, then choose a low-maintenance, easy-to-grow variety to start with. Then, continue to add more hardy type plants to turn your brown thumb green. Below is a list of great plants for beginners that can survive a missed watering or two.

Pothos (Devil’s Ivy)

Pothos is an attractive trailing vine plant with medium-sized leaves that are dark green or yellow and green variegated. They look best on top of a tall bookshelf or in a hanging planter. They are hard to kill and can tolerate nearly any type of growing environment. They can also hand infrequent waterings for those who sometimes forget to water their plants. For your pothos to thrive, place in indirect medium light and water once every one to two weeks.

Snake Plant

This striking plant has stiff, lengthy vertical leaves with pointed ends. The leaves are dark green with margins of bright yellow. They also come in green and yellow variegated patterns. The Snake Plant, also called the Mother-in-Law’s Tongue, is very resilient and hard to kill. It can handle low light or bright light and a spotty watering schedule. The Snake Plant is a great air purifier as it converts CO2 into oxygen during the night.


For an easy houseplant that has a wonderful pop of color, the Anthurium is a great choice. It’s dark green leaves are heart-shaped and includes a “bloom” which consists of a deep red waxy spathe with a yellow spadix which sticks up from within. A low-maintenance plant, the Anthurium does best in bright, indirect light and watering every 1-2 weeks. Keep pets away as it is toxic to them.

Ponytail Palm

As the name suggests, this is a plant with long, thin, hair-like leaves that cascade down from the top resembling a pony tail. Not actually a palm but rather a succulent, this no-fuss plant requires very little care. It can tolerate a decent amount of neglect and prefers to be left alone which makes it a great plant for people who travel a lot. They thrive in bright light and only like water once their soil has completely dried out.

Monstera (Swiss Cheese Plant)

For a plant that has a bit of drama, pick up a Mostera, also known as Swiss Cheese Plant due to the unusual holes in the leaves. Large, glossy green leaves give off a very lush, tropical vibe. This plant is easy to manage and requires very little maintenance. Although, it can growt rather large but it’s easy to prune. Just place in a spot that gets indirect bright light and water once a week during spring and summer. Every other week during the fall and winter is fine.

Spider Plant

One of the more popular house plants, spider plants are festive, full, fun plants that are tough to kill. Their long, thin leaves hang gracefully over their pot which makes them perfect for hanging planters. They can tolerate most lighting conditions and infrequent waterings. When they grow they make quite a few spider “babies” that can be planted in pots and grow to maturity. Just place this plant in a bright spot and keep the soil moist and it will thrive.


A striking little plant that comes with beautiful, ornamental leaves. There are numerous species of this plant that have thick, waxy leaves with solid, variegated, marbled red, green, or purple shades. This is plant that gets noticed. Adaptable to a variety of environments, this little beauty makes a great desk plant and will flourish even under flourescents. Water once soil has become completely dry and place in moderate to low indirect light.


Most people know Aloe for its medicinal properties in its leaves, primarily to soothe sunburns, but they also make striking houseplants. Their cool, spiky, thick leaves can grow in length up to 20 inches. They require little maintenance and grow much faster than most other succulents. Aloe loves the sun, even direct sunlight. Place in a pot that drained and wat until soil dries out between waterings.