This June 8, show up to lunch (or dinner, or drinks) with something special in hand for your nearest, dearest friend. Peoples Flowers loves the spirit of National Best Friend’s Day, which devotes itself to celebrating those singular people who come into our lives and feel as if they’ve always been there. We can’t imagine not sharing our best days as well as our worst with our best friends, the ones who make us laugh harder than anybody else, the ones who show up for us no matter what’s going on in our lives.
Give your bestie flowers that speak to your special friendship and make them as unique as that, too. We love a customized bouquet of Fresh Wrapped Flowers, which you can fill with blooms that are meaningful for you and your dear friend. Choose her favorite color of flowers and create a magical bouquet that no one else will have. If you want to add a little symbolic depth to your gift, go for yellow roses. They’ve been associated with the abiding affection and loyalty that goes along with a prized friendship for ages.

Don’t forget to shower your besties in flowers this June 8. Give them an unforgettable and unique fresh wrapped bouquet that will leave them feeling special.