It is hard to believe that the summer is half over for school and college kids. While the kids may not want to think about going back to school yet, parents will certainly be concerned about everything from getting their college age kids off to school with everything they need, and making sure that the kids still at home are prepared for school. Sometimes schools have open houses so that parents can get to meet their children’s teachers. We think that it’s important to recognize the things that students may worry about when returning to school, and show their kids’ teachers or guidance counselors, their gratitude. All of us at People’s Flowers believe that regardless of the message you want to convey, “Flowers say it all.”
We hope you agree with our belief that the school year will start out with a huge bang when you give flowers and gifts. We have some suggestions that we hope will inspire or help you as you shop for back to school gifts for the important people in your life, and in your child’s life.

Your child’s teacher will appreciate your kindness when you present him or her with a Cyclamen plant. This lush flowering plant has dark green heart-shaped leaves that have silver markings near the edge of each leaf. The flowers have five petals that resemble the wings of a butterfly. The plant has flowers in a variety of colors including deep pink, lavender, red, white, and a bi-colored variety whose flowers have a darker colored circle at the center of the petals.

Bromeliad Plant
A Bromeliad Plant will brighten any dorm or bedroom, classroom or living space. This dramatic tropical plant looks very exotic. These plants are often found in tropical rainforests. When you want a plant that doesn’t require a lot of care, but yields huge rewards, while leaving a lasting impression on the person who receives it, you can’t go wrong with a beautiful Bromeliad. They come in a variety of colors, depending on what is available when you buy it.

Survival Kit
If you have a child who is away at college, you can really surprise them and give them something they’ll appreciate when you send our Survival Kit. A care package that is full of his or her favorite treats will earn you a grade of A+. The basket is filled with sodas, chips, cookies, candy, and popcorn. Any college kid will be thrilled to receive a care package that will help them keep up their energy during late night study sessions.